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ROBERT McDERMOTTSound Photosynthesis features videos, tapes, CDs, books and more in a wide range of topics, including science, health, spirituality, mind, brain, consciousness, cosmos and more.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Christian Consciousness: Scriptures and the City of God. From Greek Logos to Roman law, the Gospel of John and the Hebraic and Greek streams in the Gospel. Christian monasticism; Islam; Thomas Aquinas and Francis of Assisi.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Contemporary Consciousness: Relativism & Globalism The historical and spiritual mission of America; technology and ideology; totalitarianism and materialism; eclipse of qualities; relativism and reluctant globalism; New Age and future prospects.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: From Seeing to Reflecting, From Primal to Postmodern Some contrasts between present and former ways of thinking. McDermott offers reasons for the prominence of primal (archaic or mythic) consciousnes in contemporary society.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Greek Consciousness: Seers, Tragedians and Philosophers 10/10/91 Homer-singer of the gods and the ideal human being; human types and archetypes in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides; from myth to metaphysics according to Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Hebraic Consciousness: Creation, Patriarchs, Prophets 10/3/91 An analysis of the consciousness at work in Genesis and Exodus, and the paradigm shift by the time of the prophets. Contains Hebraic contributions concerning morality and idolatry.
A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Modern Western Consciousness: The Scientific Paradigm From alchemy to chemistry, Protestant Reformation - conscience and individualism, religion of reason and progress, God-killers - Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud.
A Journey Through the Evolution of Western Consciousness: The Entire Set In a six pack album. A Journey through the Evolution of Consciousness: Contemporary Consciousness: Relativism & Globalism ; Modern Western Consciousness: The Scientific Paradigm; Christian Consciousness: Scriptures and the City of God; Greek Consciousness: Seers, Tragedians and Philosophers; Hebraic Consciousness: Creation, Patriarchs, Prophets; From Seeing to Reflecting, From Primal to Postmodern.
Anthroposophy and Buddhism Robert McDermot, president of the California Institue for Integral Studies; a school of Buddhist leanings, and President of the College for Steiner teachings for Waldorf Educators explained his system of comparisons to the Waldorf teacher trainees.
Buddha, Krisha & Christ 11 Part two, recorded on 5/7/91. Follow-up to #A919-91 recorded on 4/19/91.
Buddha, Krisha & Christ I Part one of two.
Buddha, Krishna & Christ Using the foundations of historical religious traditions, as well as the spiritual and esoteric teachings of modern spiritual masters; Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, H.H. the Dalai Lama, Thomas Merton and Rudolf Steiner.
Evolution of Human Consciousness: Paths of India Although C.G. Jung referred to a famous Indian mystic as a "white dot on a white canvas," Indian spiritual teachings and practices represent a rich diversity. This lecture will explain the yogas of the Bhagavad Gita, the spiritual significance of Krishna, the double concepts of karma and rebirth, and relevance of two twentieth century Indian spiritual masters, M.K. (Mahatma) Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo.
Evolution of Human Consciousness: Christianity: Faith & Folly Building on Hebraic and Greek consciousness, this lecture will trace the Christian experience from the Jesus of the Gospels through medieval Christianity to Renaissance humanism, and will attempt to explain how this one tradition seems to include polarities such as love and hatred and freedom and oppression.
Evolution of Human Consciousness: Dawn of the West In addition to recounting some of the ideas and experiences of the Hebrews and Greeks which have proved to be foundational for Western thought and culture, this lecture will also attempt to show that these ideas constituted an evolutionary progression which accounts for the distinctive strengths and limitations of Western consciousness.
Evolution of Human Consciousness: New Visions of a Thriving Earth Community
Evolution of Human Consciousness: The Modern Mind
Mahatma Gandhi: Lifelong Learner, Integralism in Action Series (3 Lectures) Gandhi's experience of social injustice (in South Africa in 1906), coupled with the inspiration of his wife Kasturbhai, enabled him to formulate his teaching of satyagraha (truth-force) which served as the basis of his experiments in social and moral reform during the subsequent forty years of his life. Gandhi's relationships with his family, his collaborators, and his opponents and his own inner life, as well as with his Indian roots and Western influences, all show his ability to learn under stress, and in public. Ramchandra Gandhi responds eloquently and at length.
Modern Spiritual Masters M. K. (Mahatma) Gandhi--Man, Mission and Message Life and work; Bhagavadgita and satyagraha; education toward forceful non-violence; selfless action-examples and controversies. (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960-92 for $60)
Modern Spiritual Masters Six Pack Album Modern Spiritual Masters: C. G. Jung--Transformative Power of Symbols; Thomas Merton--Contemplation and Action; M. K. (Mahatma) Gandhi--Man, Mission and Message; Simone Weil--Philosophy, Pacifism and Purity; Sri Aurobindo; Martin Buber--Biblical Faith and Religious Humanism.
Modern Spiritual Masters: C. G. Jung--Transformative Power of Symbols Reflections on memories and dreams; Freud, Jung and the unconscious; psychology, religion and individuation; symbols of transformation - East and West; "The Gnostic Jung." (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960-92 for $60)
Modern Spiritual Masters: Martin Buber--Biblical Faith and Religious Humanism Life of dialogue; interpreting Biblical revelation; I and Thou; toward an I-You way of life - in religion, education, marriage, and family, art, nature, language, community. Life and work - polarity and dialogue; childhood and family; roots - cultural, religious, philosophical; Hasidism and Zionism; creation, revelation and redemption; hallowing of life. (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960-92 for $60).
Modern Spiritual Masters: Simone Weil--Philosophy, Pacifism and Purity Enigmatic Witness to the Truth; Politics and Pacifism; Critique of the Beast; Words and Wisdom; Waiting for God. (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960-92 for $60).
Modern Spiritual Masters: Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo Ghose; Evolution of Consciousness; The Mother; Synthesis of Yoga; karma and rebirth; the coming spiritual age; Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville. (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960-92 for $60)
Modern Spiritual Masters: Thomas Merton--Contemplation and Action American monk; contemplation and action; imagination, poetry and the arts; justice and non-violence; absorbing Asian spirituality; legacy. (Available individually or in a 6 audio tape album #A960E-92 for $60)
Rudolf Steiner, Karma and Spiritual Healing The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. and the North Bay Area Team present a lecture by Robert McDermott, President of CIIS in which McDermott addresses the relationship between Rudolf Steiner, karma and spiritual healing. Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, scientist, artist, educator and author was the founder of the Waldorf schools and the Anthroposophical movement.
Spiritual Basis of Multiculturalism Recorded at the Waldorf School in San Francisco.
The Essential Aurobindo Rare and out of print book. Inquire about availability.
The Essential Steiner Here is a compact, accessible, illuminating introduction to the basic writings of the great modern spiritual teacher who has been an immense influence on contemporary education, lierature, art, science, and philosophy. Culling the best of some sixty of Rudolf Steiners published works, professor Robert McDermott offers general readers an account of the man and his life, with selections showing the extraordinary range, vision, and power of his thought.
The Evolution of the Universe and Human Consciousness SeriesThe Evolution of Human Consciousness: From Gita to Ecology Inspired by the chapter, "The American College in the Ecological Age," in Thomas Berry's The Dream of the Earth (1988), the year-long lecture series explores the story of the universe, the earth, and humanity. The presentations weave together a variety of perspectives and disciplines, including the scientific, historical, spiritual, and ecological, from both Western and Asian perspectives. The Winter and concluding Spring series is composed of presentations by Dr. Robert McDermott, President of the California Institute of Integral Studies and Dr. Brian Swimme, Director of the Institute's Center for the Story of the Universe. The 5 tape audio pack contains all of Robert McDermott's talks and the one last talk presents an alternating program between Brian Swimme and Robert McDermott. The videos of the series have voice-overs and exclude Brian Swimme's image.
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Integralism in Action Series (Three Lectures) Sri Aurobindo repeatedly asserted that his and the Mother's consciousness were one and the same. Through their collaboration, they were able to expound and exemplify a spiritual vision and discipline which makes possible the transformation of all four levels of human consciousness - the physical, vital, mental and psychic. McDermott also addresses the Mother's experimentation with the transformation of the cells of her body.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner Six Pack Album Rudolf Steiner as an exemplar of intuitive thinking, artful and loving feeling, and conscious free willing; his service to the needs of the present age; and the founding of a modern esoteric mystery school. The whole course of six evenings edited to an album.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: Evolution of Consciousness From primal consciousness to contemporary alienation; influence of classical traditions and dialogue with exponents of a new paradigm; spiritual mission and distinct problems of the modern west, especially the United States; working with the evolution of consciousness as a spiritual exercise.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: Imagination--Sources of Arts, Science & Cultural Renewal Cultivation of imagination, inspiration and intuition; art(s) as spiritual discipline; examples from Steiner's life-work: mystery dramas, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, eurythmy.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: Karma, Rebirth & Personal Development Meanings of karma in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions; seven year stages of personal developmental; applications of karma to biography, including illness, suffering and significant influences; (re)birth, life, afterlife and (re)birth.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: Rudolf Steiner's Life as a Path of Initiation Rudolf Steiner as an exemplar of intuitive thinking, artful and loving feeling, and conscious free willing; his service to the needs of the present age; and the founding of a modern esoteric mystery school.
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: Spiritual Science & Transpersonal Psychology Spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner in relation to some of the major themes in the transpersonal dimensions in psychology (as summarized in Walsh and Vaughan, editors, Beyond Ego).
The Relevance of Rudolf Steiner: The Spiritual Foundation of Waldorf Education Origin and history of the Waldorf movement; curriculum and pedagogy in relation to the spiritual/esoteric understanding of child development; teacher training, emphasis on freedom; use of temperaments; significance for American education and culture.
Waldorf School, Integralism in Action Series (Three Lectures) Waldorf education is the largest independent non-sectarian school movement in the world. In addition to hundreds of lectures on the curricula and pedagogy for the Waldorf approach to the education of young children and adolescents, Rudolf Steiner published more than 300 volumes of lectures for the transpersonal education of adults. Steiner's teachings call for a spiritual thinking from which can flow the reunification of science and art, personal and social transformation, insight, and service on behalf of society and the Earth.
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