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Richard Feynman
John C. Lilly
Marija Gimbutas
Huston Smith
William Irwin Thompson
Terence McKenna
Robert Anton Wilson
Arthur M. Young
Ali Akbar Khan
Faustin Bray
Joseph Chilton Pearce
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© 2016 Sound Photosynthesis
All rights reserved.
New Releases
Computers From The Inside Out - The Feynman Lecture on Heuristics Historically celebrated as one of the most brilliant physicists, teachers, and original thinkers, Professor Feynman is the acknowledged inventor of quantum computing. In the spirit of Feynman: find out what computers means, find out what heuristics means, find out what idiosyncratic thinking means, find out what the pleasure of finding things out means. Richard Feynman joyfully shares the fun of understanding systems - he calls the workings of the machine we are discussing, “The guts!” A professorial/conspiratorial tone carries his entertaining introduction to his attentive non-technical audience, "One of the miseries of life is that everybody names things a little bit wrong, and so it makes everything a little harder to understand in the world than it would be if it were named differently." The program begins and Richard Feynman is waiting for you on the playground of your mind. You will be amazed at how smart you are after
immersing yourself in Feynman's world. These first 2 DVDs, Computers From The Inside Out and Tiny Machines are worth viewing many times, showing them to your family, friends, students and class. TRT 1 hr. 17 mins.
1 DVD. |
#Z23-2006. |
$29.95 |
The Feynman Lecture on Nanotechnology
Tiny Machines - The Feynman Lecture on Nanotechnology
Richard Feynman originated the idea of nanotechnology, or molecular machines, in the early 1960s. Here he explains the idea to a general audience, and illustrates it using slides and diagrams. The talk is amusing, entertaining, informative and a classic in the history of technology. One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, this man located the problem with the Space Shuttle Challenger during the hearings. On this tape he talks about the tiniest tools and the fascinating way they work. Tom Van Sant's eye art piece is discussed and pictured in the video.
1 DVD. |
#Z14-2005. |
$29.95 |  |
Dreaming Awake at the End of Time
Join Terence McKenna, author, explorer and philosopher for a think-along deconstruction of the deepening worldwide weirdness. With his characteristic hope and humor, McKenna examined time and its mysteries, the nature of language, the techniques of ecstasy, high technology and virtual cyberspace, the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanism and the evolution of human cultures, and the foundations of post-modern spirituality. The lecture and discussion was didactic, syncretic, challenging, eclectic, eidetic, and irreverent intellectual adventure - "for those who have grown weary of Moldevite suppositories and unicorny flimflam! A very full 2 hours awaits you in audio or video form.
1 DVD. |
#Z598-05. |
$36.99 |  |
VARIOUS MAPS: Psychedelics in the 1990's- COMPILATION
This is the closest you will ever get there if you weren't there to begin with...if you were, this piece is better than your memories. Historical.
1 DVD. |
#Z200i-06. |
$34.95 |  |
The Bridge Psychedelic Conference 1991 Compilation
The essence of 40 hours of audio/video coverage of the two day event held at Stanford University, 2/2&3/91. Informative, evocative and imperative for anyone interested in the subject. Visually a treat of composites of the videos, slides, festivities and personalities present and future. The video is second best to being there. The audio has a full and continuous flow of information to delight the listener and is an aid as a sampler for choices of the in-depth talks.
1 DVD. |
#Z304-06. |
$35.00 |
50th Anniversary of LSD: Psychedelic Summit Compilation
A 2 hour compilation of the ambiance and the pithiest moments of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the discovery of LSD by the Swiss chemist, Dr. Albert Hoffman. The layered effected visuals augment the flow of the verbiage to transfer the experience of being there as much as possible without being there.
1 DVD. |
#Z471i-06. |
$34.95 |
Orthonoia Through Paranoia To Metanoia: Bridge Psychedelic Conference
Recorded at the Bridge Psychedelic Conference at Stanford University. John offers a candid description of his own research and asks that people create a lobby for appropriate drug research.
1 DVD. |
#Z260-06. |
$35.95 |
Evolving Times
This evening address in Sacramento is one of Terence's funniest, in which much is said about monkeys, mushrooms, plants and people. The question and answer sessions get good and lively, with Terence's unique analysis of UFOs, governments and possible evolutionary pathways for us and the planet. Digitally recorded.
1 DVD. |
#Z418-06. |
$35.95 |
The Magical Child's Transcendent Mind
Joseph Chilton Pearce held the attention of the packed audience for two hours of his visit to Waldorf School, San Francisco. His enthusiasm for his material was conveyed more as a transmission then as a lecture. The information that streamed from him during his dance between blackboard and overhead projector was up-to-the minute, angst in time, citing many of the contributors to the Mind@Large Catalog of Sound Photosynthesis: Karl Pribram, Jean Houston, Rupert Sheldrake, Brian Swimme, Jean Liedloff, Robert Monroe, Michael Murphy, to name a few. Pearce's latest book The Biological Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit was minimally mentioned but largely drawn from his first book, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg , is celebrating another printing after remaining in print consistently for the last 30 years. TRT: 120 minutes.
1 DVD. |
#Z577-06. |
$34.95 |
TimeWave Zero
A detailed description of Terence's TimeWave concept and a demonstration of the software Terence originated in his early exploratory period of deep study with the I Ching, the ancient oracular Chinese Book of Changes. He proudly takes us on a biographical tour of our culture from his personal library in the early 80’s to what he saw the TimeWave project to 2012. Terence describes the Time Wave as his "only original work". The first part of this piece is the first visual description of Terence’s unique theory. The second chapter of the tape astounds the viewer with the display of the the historical resonances that demostrate how the last 4000 years are compressed into the increasingly speeded up, drawn and sqeezed collective thoughts of the “Gaian matrix”. Terence partnered with Sound Photosynthesis’ media magician Brian Wallace at the editing helm to created the visuals that dance and spiral with Terence’s every sugestion. This densely edited piece is destined to become a top seller.
This is one of the most visually informative and insightful 23 minutes of tape you’ll find anywhere.
1 DVD. |
#Z73-06. |
$29.95 |
This World ...and Its Double
A full day excursion into the questions he explores with unequaled imagination, where is life carrying us? What is the nature of that other world which co-exists with this one? What is the role of shamanic plants in shaping our consciousness? Hear WHAT IS TIME ALL ABOUT--The brief interval we call life: between the Unknown and the Unspoken. TRT 1:36.
1 DVD. |
#Z504-06. |
$36.99 |
Evolution: Why Can’t We Handle This Issue Sensibly?
Huston Smith is Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Emeritus, Syracuse University. He has also taught at MIT, Washington University and University of California. He points out that during the week, our schools teach that human beings are organisms who have developed increasingly ingenious ways of interacting with their environments. On weekends most churches and synagogues preach that we have immortal souls and are created in the image of God. This borders on cultural schizophrenia. We still haven’t thought this issue through. Hard scientific evidence must be accepted, but religious beliefs deserve a hearing as well. Can we find a middle way that avoids both extremes? TRT 1 hour 25 minutes.
1 DVD. |
#Z530-06. |
$35.00 |
The Gift of Suffering
Suffering presents a conundrum for the human mind: If God is compassionate, where does suffering come from? Ram Dass invites us to look more deeply at the question of human suffering--what it’s about, and how to move beyond it. The video of this spell binding presentation is a testimony to the amazing spirit of Ram Dass.
2 DVDs. |
#Z492-06. |
$70.00 |
The Taxonomy of Illusion
An Evening with Terence McKenna at UC Santa Cruz hosted by the student organization Millbrook West. Professor Ralph Abraham, the famous chaos theorist mathematician, informed and introduced Terence to the large bright audience. “Taxonomy” defined as classification, especially in relation to its general laws and principles; that department of science or subject, which consists in or relates to classification. Terence amusingly articulates by enumerating examples of the varied forms of illusions by which humans are entertained, intrigued and frightened. This talk is a particularily anecdotal way to approach the study of the imaginal, the illusive and anomalous. Terence McKenna, informs and delights his audiences through many media. As an accomplished author of more than four major works of fiction and non-fiction depending on one’s belief system; voice of at least three hundred audio and video titles; and participant in numberous popular CD’s, Terence is infiltrating the mind at large with
his outlandish theories at an alarming pace. This talk is presented in a two audio cassette album, #A1050-93 or in a 120 minute video, #V500-93.
1 DVD. |
#Z500-06. |
$36.99 |
The Famous "K" Talk
(Aspen, 8/11/74) You wouldn't believe it unless you heard it. An audience recording makes the listening require more attention but its worth it.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D311-74. |
$15.99 |
The Conscious Universe
Interview with Faustin discussing his book, The Conscious Universe - THE SCIENTIFIC TRUTH OF PSYCHIC PHENOMENA
1 CD. |
#D9-98. |
$15.95 |
The Potential Human: Faustin Interviews Colin at his home in Cornwall
Most recent, most rowdy, most necessary.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D16-99. |
$15.99 |
High Lights from TRUE HALLUCINATIONS: The Underground Classic Talking Book
A must for the Terence crowd. Hear the coming attractions for the whole TRUE HALLUCINATIONS journey up the Amazon, over the roof tops of Katmandu--truly a virtual reality experience.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D22-2000. |
$15.99 |
True Hallucinations
A complete "talking book"- an audio illuminated manuscript. The voice that launched a thousand trips...with outrageous, incredible effects! Authentic sounds from the Far South and East! Eclectic music! 9 1/2 hours of listening insanity! For UFO enthusiasts! Where the mushroom recipe came from; an adventure that will give your mind itchy feet!
9 Compact Disks. |
#D23-2000. |
$99.99 |
Victorian Tales of Cannabis
A fully orchestrated production conceived by Faustin and Brian of Sound Photosynthesis of stories by Bayard Taylor, Louisa May Alcott and other Victorian period writers audio animated that will surprise and delight you. Terence reads the male voice and Kat reads the female story line and they are accompanied by an audio illuminated full cast of characters. Artfully album contained.
2 Compact Disks. |
#D24-2000. |
$29.99 |
A Hunting Ritual of Bayaka Pygmies
The ritual piece is recorded in a complete context rather than anthologized. Spirits metamorphosis into animals, while running across the encampment between 11 pm and 4 am. The phosphorescent beings come out of the forest to provoke the villagers to celebration. Celebration is an essential part of the Bayaka lifestyle. Once the festival is initiated they can go on for many months; the longest festival known among the Bayaka lasted for two years. They are a hemp using culture.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D28-92. |
$15.99 |
Superspace, Space, and States
1 Compact Disk. |
#D29-2001. |
$16.99 |
Johanina Wikoff, Ph.D.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Kama Sutra: Faustin interviews Johanina Wikoff, Ph.D.
Johanina Wikoff, Ph.D, is a respected therapist, author and lecturer, best known for her pioneering work in body-mind transformation and sacred sexuality. The book has enlightening interpretations of the world's best-known love manual, sensual suggestions to enhance your erotic experiences, and expert guidance on pleasing yourself and your partner. TRT: 69 minutes
1 Compact Disk. |
#D30-2001. |
$15.00 |
What Book? and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Buddhism
TRT: 65 minutes. A conversation between Gary Gach and Faustin. Entertaining, informational gracious, and spacious. Gary reads from his books and has a very soothing voice...perhaps from all the years of meditating with an open mind.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D128-2002. |
$13.99 |
Something Weird is Happening
TRT: Eldon Byrd, the electronic and medical engineer who wrote the original human experimentation protocols for the Navy in 1981, discusses ELF weapons, mind control, domes of light, dolphins, experiments and ethics.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D270-2002. |
$15.99 |
Robert Anton Wilson: 
RAW on Writing and Thinking
Robert, relaxed, shares amusing views on topics he has written about with a San Francisco audience.
2 Compact Disks. |
#D38-2001. |
$29.95 |
Tiny Machines - The Feynman Lecture on Nanotechnology
Richard Feynman originated the idea of nanotechnology, or molecular machines, in the early 1960s. Here he explains the idea to a general audience, and illustrates it using slides and diagrams. The talk is amusing, entertaining, informative and a classic in the history of technology. One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, this man located the problem with the Space Shuttle Challenger during the hearings. On this tape he talks about the tiniest tools and the fascinating way they work. Tom Van Sant's eye art piece is discussed and pictured in the video. TRT 80 min.
1 Compact Disc. |
#D34-84. |
$15.99 |
Computers From The Inside Out
The audio is understandable to anyone who can visualize Richard's descriptions. The way the Nobel Prize winner expresses the story makes a person want to understand. The Video shows him pointng to what he is describing. TRT 1 hr. 17 mins.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D35-85. |
$15.99 |
"Not in My Name"Face to Face with Faustin Bray
SOS: Alert! Face to Face Interview between Faustin Bray and Vivienne Verdon-Roe presents an urgent plea for the public to respond immediately to the crisis of the 3/4 covering ocean of the planet Earth. Academy Award-winning producer/director. Vivienne Verdon-Roe, urges listeners to join in a grassroots campaign against the U.S. Navy's proposed deployment of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active sonar (or "SURTASS LFA"). This new sonar system to detect quiet enemy submarines would blast one of the loudest man-made sounds throughout 80% of the world's oceans. In violation of federal environmental law, this technology has the potential to deafen and even kill whales, dolphins and other marine mammals.Vivienne Verdon-Roe also descusses the military's broader war-making capacity outlined in the Department of Defense's "Joint Vision 20/20". The report calls for "full-spectrum dominance" as the key to fighting and winning wars in the future through access to and freedom to operate in all domains--space,
sea, land, air and information. Do you know what the U.S. Department of Defense is doing in our name? TRT: 45:37
1 Compact Disk. |
#D36-2002. |
$14.99 |
Live at the Kabuki
1 Compact Disk. |
#D41-83. |
$14.99 |
The Magical Child's Transcendent Mind
Joseph Chilton Pearce held the attention of the packed audience for two hours of his visit to Waldorf School, San Francisco. His enthusiasm for his material was conveyed more as a transmission then as a lecture. The information that streamed from him during his dance between blackboard and overhead projector was up-to-the minute, angst in time, citing many of the contributors to the Mind@Large Catalog of Sound Photosynthesis: Karl Pribram, Jean Houston, Rupert Sheldrake, Brian Swimme, Jean Liedloff, Robert Monroe, Michael Murphy, to name a few. Pearce's latest book The Biological Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit was minimally mentioned but largely drawn from his first book, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg , is celebrating another printing after remaining in print consistently for the last 30 years. TRT: 120 minutes
2 Compact Disk. |
#D43-02. |
$29.99 |
Into Tibet: A book report.Face to Face with Faustin
An hour interview with a man who leaves no dead air. Thomas Laird lived in Asia for the last 30 years and he is prepared to tell and write about his extraordinary experiences. His first major book has hit the US in a time of many questions and anxiety with few answers or solutions. At least we get insights from Laird and we too become more prepared to evaluate our future moves. Thomas Laird uses his well compiled history of the first CIA operative's work and subsequent regretful demise to bring together elements of the drive, excitement, intrigue, cultural difference and totally "other perspective" that effected the world between the years 1945-1949. The political climate of today and the suffering of many peoples have understandable roots in the findings of photographer/journalist Laird. See the video, get the book and listen to the other CDs we are going to put out of this man's work. TRT 59 min.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D44-02. |
$14.99 |
Insights from an Expatriot Coming HomeFace to Face with Faustin
Thomas Laird lived in Asia for the last 30 years and he is prepared to tell and write about his extraordinary experiences. His next book will be co-authored with H.H. Dali Lama, "The History of Tibet." You may or may not agree with every carefully chosen word that this photographer/journalist offers, but you will be interested, perhaps inspired, to learn more and have an effective opinion. See the video, get his book and listen to the other CDs we are going to put out of this man's work. TRT 59 min.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D45-02. |
$14.99 |
Live & Lively Accompanied by Don Was
The Spirit is willing, the audience is enthusiastic and Allen is in top form. Don Was was and is a great straight man and a worthy accompaniment to the great man.
1 Compact Disk. |
#D37-90. |
$15.99 |
Eclectic world tropical original songs by the co-founder of Sound Photosynthesis with voice and, successively, guitar, North Indian sarod, viola, drum and bansuri flute. Produced with world famous Oz Fritz. 13 songs TRT: apx72 min
1 Compact Disk. |
#D46-2002. |
$15.99 |
Shorter, perhaps deeper, post 9/11 continuation of Brian's original, eclectic song collection with voice, and successively, North Indian sarod, guitar and viola. 4 songs TRT: apx 35 min
1 Compact Disk. |
#D47-2002. |
$12.99 |
On Finnegans Wake and Joseph Campbell
Robert is a zealous Finnegans Wakeian. Faustin interviews, Brian records.
2 Compact Disks. |
#D69-88. |
$24.99 |

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