The Magical Child's Transcendent Mind
Joseph Chilton Pearce held the attention of the packed audience for two hours of his visit to Waldorf School, San Francisco. His enthusiasm for his material was conveyed more as a transmission then as a lecture. The information that streamed from him during his dance between blackboard and overhead projector was up-to-the minute, angst in time, citing many of the contributors to the Mind@Large Catalog of Sound Photosynthesis: Karl Pribram, Jean Houston, Rupert Sheldrake, Brian Swimme, Jean Liedloff, Robert Monroe, Michael Murphy, to name a few. Pearce's latest book The Biological Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit was minimally mentioned but largely drawn from his first book, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg , is celebrating another printing after remaining in print consistently for the last 30 years. TRT: 120 minutes.
1 DVD. |
#Z577-06. |
$34.95 |
1 Video Cassette |
#V577-02 |
$34.95 |
2 CDs |
#D43-02 |
$29.99 |
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Sound Photosynthesis, POB 2111, Mill Valley, CA 94942-2111 USA
Tel: (415) 383-6712, Fax: (415) 383-6712, E-mail: Faustin Web: http://sound.photosynthesis.com